根据5姐推荐在JOMASHOP 买了400多美金的表,发到转运公司,结果说没收到,发邮件给JOMA 查询,让发没收到的证明, 我也提供了,客服收到后说让USPS 调查,大概要2-3个星期,结果3个星期过去了,一直没回音,发邮件给客服,客服不回,打电话给客服,客服说让我填给下调查如下, 好,我回复了,又一个星期过去了,屡次发邮件也没人回复,难道这家店就是骗子公司? 从下单到现在都快2个月了,真是无语
Dear Sir/ Madam
We sincerely apologize that you did not receive your purchase. We will be working diligently with USPS to have this claim paid. However we do require their assistance. We need to upload this E-MAIL to the claim process for your investigation. PLEASE ANSWER/ REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL to the best of your ability.
Feel free to elaborate in detail in the email why you did not receive the package:
Examples that you may use for reference in your reply:
1) “I came home and there was no package there!”
2) “I was home and never received the package.”
3) NO notice was left – “I do not have the package”.
The more detailed your answer the better. Please feel free to elaborate if necessary. We will have a resolution for you upon completion of the investigation. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your cooperation. Please also advise if you would like us to replace the merchandise or if you prefer a refund back into your account. If refund Why?
gzy061002 回复 @ dayuanzi: 他们有中文客服,直接联系中国客服试试看
dayuanzi 回复 @ elisezhang: 我也是丢件,jomashop也是一样的处理方法,都快一个月了,根本不回复,无语的要死,和骗子一样的网站